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Configure Kubernetes with a proxy

If you are running our Kuberenetes integration with a proxy, you need to configure each component (the infrastructure agent, logging, Kubernetes events, etc.) to correctly work with your proxy.

Install the infrastructure agent with a proxy

There are three options to install the infrastructure agent with a proxy:

  • Installing with chart newrelic-infrastructure:

    • The proxy can be configured setting the configuration option config.proxy as described in the values.yaml of the chart.
      The whole config object is used to generate a configMap that is mounted as the file /etc/newrelic-infra.yml used to configure the agent.
  • Installing with chart nri-budle as a dependency:

    • The proxy can be configured setting the configuration option newrelic-infrastructure.config.proxy. The configuration option is passed down to the dependency newrelic-infrastructure modifying the values.yaml of nri-bundle:

      newrelic-infrastructure.config.proxy: https://user:password@hostname:port
  • Installing with manifest:

    • When installing through the manifest, the proxy can be configured adding the NRIA_PROXY environment variable to the environment variable section of the DaemonSet configuration.
    • The environment variable NRIA_VERBOSE in the DaemonSet YAML can be used as an example of the environment variable configuration.

Set logging with a proxy

If you’re using log forwarding for the Kubernetes integration, the plugin automatically detects the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables, and automatically uses them to set up the proxy configuration. For more information, see how to customize the proxy, or bypass it.

Install Kubernetes events

There are three options to install the Kubernetes events integration with a proxy:

  • Installing with chart nri-kube-events:

  • Installing with chart nri-budle as a dependency:

    • The proxy can be configured setting the configuration option nri-kube-events.proxy. The configuration option is passed down to the dependency nri-kube-events modifying the values.yaml of nri-bundle:

      nri-kube-events.proxy: https://user:password@hostname:port
  • Installing with manifest:

    • When installing through the manifest, to configure the proxy set the NRIA_PROXY in the environment variable section of the infra container.
    • Check the deployment template of the chart as an example of environment variable configuration.

Install the Prometheus OpenMetrics integration

There are three options to install the Prometheus OpenMetric integration with a proxy:

  • Installing with charts nri-prometheus:

    • The proxy can be configured setting the configuration option config.emitter_proxy in the values.yaml.
      The config object is used to generate a configMap that mounted into the deployment under /etc/nri-prometheus/.
  • Installing with chart nri-budle as a dependency:

    • The proxy can be configured setting the configuration option nri-prometheus.config.emitter_proxy. The configuration option is passed down to the dependency nri-prometheus modifying the values.yaml of nri-bundle:

      nri-prometheus.config.emitter_proxy: "http://localhost:8888
  • Installing with the manifest:

    • Configure the proxy uncommenting the emitter_proxy option directly in the manifest:

      # Proxy to be used by the emitters when submitting metrics. It should be
      # in the format [scheme]://[domain]:[port].
      # The emitter is the component in charge of sending the scraped metrics.
      # This proxy won't be used when scraping metrics from the targets.
      # By default it's empty, meaning that no proxy will be used.
      # emitter_proxy: "http://localhost:8888"

Set the synthetics minion

Check this README on how to set the proxy for the Synthetics minions.

For more help

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