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Azure Virtual Network monitoring integration

New Relic infrastructure monitoring provides an integration for Microsoft Azure's Virtual Network that reports data from your Virtual Network service to New Relic. This document explains how to activate this integration and describes the data that can be captured.


New Relic's integration for Azure Virtual Network reports metric data about your virtual networks (VNets), like packets dropped per second or bytes forwarded per second. It also collects inventory data about the status and configuration of your account.

You can monitor and alert on your Virtual Network data from New Relic, and you can create custom queries and chart dashboards.

Activate integration

To enable this integration follow standard procedures to activate your Azure service in New Relic.

Configuration and polling

You can change the polling frequency and filter data using configuration options.

Default polling information for the Virtual Network integration:

  • Polling interval: 1 minute for metrics; 5 minutes for inventory
  • Resolution: 1 data point per minute

Find and use data

To find your integration data, go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure and look for the integration.

You can query and explore your data using the AzureVirtualNetworksPublicIpAddressSample event type.

For more on how to find and use integration data, see Understand and use data.

Metric data

Here are the metrics reported by the Azure Virtual Network integration. For more about how data is structured and reported to New Relic, see Understand and use integration data.




Average inbound bytes dropped per second, DDoS.


Average inbound bytes forwarded per second, DDoS.


Average inbound bytes per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP packets per second to trigger DDoS mitigation.


Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation.


Count of entities under DDoS attack.


Average inbound packets per second, DDoS


Average inbound packets dropped per second, DDoS.


Average inbound packets forwarded per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP bytes per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP bytes dropped per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP bytes forwarded per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP packets per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP packets dropped per second, DDoS.


Average inbound TCP packets forwarded per second, DDoS.


Average inbound UDP packets per second, DDoS.


Average inbound UDP packets dropped per second, DDoS.


Average inbound UDP packets forwarded per second, DDoS.


Average inbound UDP bytes per second, DDoS.


Average inbound UDP bytes dropped per second, DDoS.


Average inbound UDP bytes forwarded per second, DDoS.

Inventory data

Inventory data is information about your system's state and configuration. For details on how to find and use inventory data, see Understand and use data.

The Azure Virtual Network integration reports this inventory data:

Inventory category

Data reported


This category includes Azure's Virtual Network peering. Data includes:

  • allowVirtualNetworkAccess
  • allowForwardedTraffic
  • allowGatewayTransit
  • useRemoteGateways
  • virtualNetworkId
  • remoteVirtualNetworkId
  • peeringState
  • provisioningState


This category includes subnet and queue data. Data includes:

  • addressPrefix
  • networkSecurityGroupId
  • routeTableId
  • provisioningState
  • virtualNetworkId
  • fullSubnetName


This category includes subscription data. Data includes:

  • addressSpace
  • dnsServers
  • provisioningState
  • resourceGroupName (deprecates ResourceGroup)


Security rules allow or deny inbound or outbound network traffic based on source or destination IP address, port, and protocol. Data includes:

  • access description
  • destinationAddressPrefix
  • destinationPortRange
  • direction
  • priority
  • protocol
  • provisioningState
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • sourceAddressPrefix
  • sourcePortRange


Security groups contain a list of security rules, and are used to limit network traffic to resources in a virtual network. Data includes:

  • name
  • networkInterfaceIds
  • provisioningState
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • subnetIds
  • type


This category includes route data. Data includes:

  • destinationAddressPrefix
  • name
  • nextHopIpAddress
  • nextHopType
  • provisioningState
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • routeTableId


Route tables enable resources connected to any subnet in any virtual network to communicate with each other, and the Internet. Data includes:

  • name
  • provisioningState
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • type


Public IP addresses are used for communication with the Internet, including Azure public-facing services. Data includes:

  • assignedNetworkInterface
  • idleTimeoutInMinutes
  • ipAllocationMethod
  • name
  • provisionedState
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • type
  • version
  • assignedLoadBalancer
  • fqdn
  • leafDomainLabel


A network interface enables an Azure Virtual Machine to communicate with Internet, Azure, and on-premises resources. Data includes:

  • appliedDnsServers
  • dnsServers
  • isAcceleratedNetworkingEnabled
  • isIpForwardingEnabled
  • name
  • networkSecurityGroup
  • privateIp
  • privateIpAllocationMethod
  • provisioningState
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • type
  • virtualMachineId
  • internalDomainNameSuffix
  • macAddress


This category includes Azure's IP configuration Data includes:

  • isPrimary
  • name
  • networkInterfaceId
  • privateIp
  • privateIpAllocationMethod
  • privateIpVersion
  • regionName
  • resourceGroupName
  • subnet

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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