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Azure Database for PostgreSQL monitoring integration

New Relic's integrations include an integration for reporting your Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL metrics and inventory data to New Relic. This document explains how to activate the integration and describes the data reported.


New Relic gathers database data from the Azure Database for PostgreSQL service, which provides fully managed, enterprise-ready PostgreSQL Community database as a service. The service provides high availability, elastic scaling, automatic backups, and data protection at-rest and in-motion.

Using New Relic, you can:

Activate integration

Follow standard procedures to activate your Azure service in New Relic.

Configuration and polling

New Relic queries your Azure Database services according to a default polling interval, which varies depending on the integration. For Azure Database for PostgreSQL integrations:

  • Polling interval: 5 minutes (maximum recommended polling frequency: 1 hour)
  • Resolution: 1 data point per minute

You can change the polling frequency and filter data using configuration options.

View and use data

To explore your integration data: Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure > (select an integration).

You can query and explore your data using the AzurePostgreSqlServerSample event type, with a provider value of AzurePostgreSqlServer.

Metric data

This integration collects the following metric data.

Database sample metrics




Count of active connections.


Backup storage used, in bytes.


Count of failed connections.


Percentage of CPU used.


Percentage of I/O consumption used.


Percentage of memory used.


Network Out across active connections, in bytes.


Network In across active connections, in bytes.


Replication lag, in bytes.


Replication lag, in seconds.


Server log storage limit, in bytes.


Percentage of server log storage used.


Server log storage used, in bytes.


Amount of storage available, in bytes.


Percentage of available storage used.


Amount of storage used, in bytes.

Inventory data

This integration collects the following inventory data about your system's state and configuration. For more information, see the Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL documentation.


  • administratorLogin
  • configuration
  • databaseNames
  • databases, including id, name, type, charset, and collation
  • domainName
  • earliestRestoreDate
  • firewalls, including id, name, type, startIpAddress, and endIpAddress
  • geoRedundantBackup
  • isReplica
  • MasterServerid (only for a replica server)
  • maxConnections
  • name
  • regionName
  • replicaCapacity (only for a replica server)
  • replicationRole (only for a replica server)
  • resourceGroupName
  • skuCapacity
  • skuFamily
  • skuName
  • skuTier
  • sslEnforcement
  • storageAutoGrow
  • tags
  • type
  • userVisibleState
  • version

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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