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Default infrastructure monitoring data


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New Relic's infrastructure monitoring agent collects and displays data using six primary events, each with associated attributes that represent assorted metrics and metadata.

Understanding infrastructure data can help you:

Infrastructure events

The following are events reported by default by the infrastructure agent and some infrastructure integrations.

The attributes attached to these events are the metadata and metrics used to create our infrastructure UI visualizations. You can also create custom queries and charts of this data.

If you're using integrations, see that integration's doc for more on reported data. For common AWS attributes, see AWS data.

Select an event name in the following table to see its attributes.




SystemSample contains data describing the current overall state of the entire server, including CPU, memory, disk, and network. We take a snapshot of this data every 5 seconds and package it into a SystemSample event, which is then sent to New Relic. This data appears in the Hosts UI page.


ProcessSample gathers detailed resource usage information from programs running on a single system. We take a snapshot of this data every 20 seconds for every active process and package it into a ProcessSample event, which is then sent to New Relic. This data appears on the Processes UI page.


Process metrics are not sent to New Relic by default for accounts created after July 20, 2020. Enable process metrics to get this data into the Infrastructure monitoring UI.


StorageSample represents a single storage device associated with a server. Each sample gathers descriptive information about the device, the type of file system it uses, and its current usage and capacity. We take a snapshot of this data every 20 seconds for each mounted file system and package it into a StorageSample event, which is then sent to New Relic. This data appears on the Storage UI page.


If your server uses disks with file systems other than the supported file systems in the following table, StorageSample events will not be generated for those disks.


NetworkSample captures the descriptive and state information for each network device associated with a server. It includes the device's interface and address information, as well as current usage data. We take a snapshot of this data every 10 seconds for each attached network interface and package it into a NetworkSample event, which is then sent to New Relic. This data appears on the Network UI page.


ContainerSample collects the descriptive and state information for each Docker container. It includes the container's ID, name, image, image name, as well metrics about CPU, memory and networking. We take a snapshot of this data every 15 seconds for each container and package it into a ContainerSample event, which is then sent to New Relic. This data appears on the Containers UI page. For more information, see Docker monitoring.


InfrastructureEvent describes changes (deltas) that occur in a system's live state. When an inventory or system state is added, removed, or changed, New Relic will produce an InfrastructureEvent that logs that activity. This data appears on the Events UI page.

To learn about infrastructure integration data, see the documentation for a specific integration.

If an AWS integration is enabled, your infrastructure events may also have AWS attributes attached.

Query infrastructure data

You can query your infrastructure data to troubleshoot a problem or create a chart, or to understand what data is available. For example, to see what data is attached to ProcessSample, you would run this NRQL query:

SELECT * FROM ProcessSample

You can also query infrastructure using dimensional metrics.

Manage data

For tips on managing data ingest and reporting, see Manage infrastructure data.

Add custom attributes

You can create custom attributes in the infrastructure agent's YAML file. Use this metadata to:

Common Amazon EC2 attributes

If you connect your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) account to our infrastructure monitoring, we report data from your Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon EC2-related attributes are common attributes that can be used in any event. These attributes are drawn from the EC2 API. No CloudWatch information is collected.

These attributes and their values are subject to change if Amazon changes the data they expose.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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