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Update the infrastructure agent

Read on to learn how to update the infrastructure agent to the latest version for Linux and Windows servers.


View the infrastructure agent version

The infrastructure agent does not update itself automatically. Check the infrastructure agent release notes to make sure you have the latest agent version.

To view the current infrastructure agent version for a host, use any of these options:

  • Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Settings > Agents > Agent version.
  • Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Hosts > (select a host).
  • Create a query for SystemSample.

Update the agent for installs using the package manager

If you used the default installation process, use your package manager to update the program and its dependencies to the latest version. Here are examples for some common systems:

Update the agent for assisted and manual tarball installs


Since there are are no automated scripts, old files may remain when you update. Be sure to manually remove outdated files.

To update the agent, download the file again and follow the installation procedure for Linux (assisted or manual) or Windows (assisted or manual). This will overwrite your old installation.

Update the containerized version of the agent

Use the latest label to ensure that our Docker image is automatically updated.

Identify outdated agent versions from the UI

You can use the Infrastructure monitoring UI to search for outdated agent versions:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Inventory****.
  2. In the search bar, type newrelic-infra.
  3. Select a group's dropdown to see the agent versions for that group.

To manually check the infrastructure agent versions, you can log onto a server and run newrelic-infra --version, or the applicable command for your package manager.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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