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Install the infrastructure monitoring agent for Linux

Our infrastructure monitoring agent for Linux can be installed using several package managers. You can use our launcher, or follow the instructions in this document to complete a basic installation.

No matter which installation option you choose, make sure you've created a free New Relic account (No credit card required).

Quick start

The quickest way to get started with our infrastructure monitoring agent is through our guided install.


Try our guided install for yourself. (If you're hosted in the EU, use our EU guided install.)

Step-by-step instructions

If guided install doesn't work, you can install the agent manually. Before installing infrastructure, be sure to:

To install infrastructure in Linux, follow these instructions:

  1. Create the configuration file and add your license key:

    echo "license_key: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
  2. Determine the distribution version number:

  3. Enable New Relic's GPG key.

  4. Add the infrastructure monitoring agent repository:

  5. Refresh the repositories:

  6. Install the newrelic-infra package in root (default), privileged user, or unprivileged user mode. For more information on each running mode, see Linux agent running modes.

Once the infrastructure monitoring agent is installed or updated, you can start, stop, or check the agent status.


As of version 1.4.0, the infrastructure monitoring agent package includes the additional newrelic-infra-ctl binary, which is used to help troubleshoot a running agent. Although this binary is not required to execute the agent, we recommend to add it in your path.

Install using configuration management tools

To install the infrastructure monitoring agent with a configuration management tool, see the documentation for:

Install for Docker containers on instrumented hosts

See Docker instrumentation for infrastructure monitoring.

Install using Azure extensions

See Azure extensions for infrastructure monitoring.

Install using tarball files

For custom setup scenarios, you can install the infrastructure monitoring agent using our tarball files in assisted or manual modes.

This is especially useful when you need to adapt the default installation settings to your environment, or to install the infrastructure monitoring agent on distributions that lack the newrelic-infra package in their repositories.


Installing the agent using tarball files is officially supported only for the AWS Graviton 2 processor.

Update the agent

Follow standard procedures to update the infrastructure monitoring agent.

If you are using sudo to install or update the agent, use the -E argument to allow bypassing the environment variables, or specify the NRIA_MODE environment variable just after sudo.




What's next?

Generate some traffic and wait a few minutes, then view your hosts in the New Relic One UI. If necessary, follow our troubleshooting procedures if no data appears.


The hostname for your server cannot be localhost. Data will not be reported for servers with that name. Make sure the host name uses a unique name.

The only required configuration option is the license_key setting, which is created as part of the installation procedures. You may also want to:

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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