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Configure the infrastructure agent using Ansible

You can use New Relic's Ansible role to install and configure our infrastructure monitoring agent. For instructions on how to use Ansible, see the Ansible documentation. This is a community-supported effort.

Sample code

New Relic provides configuration management sample code to help you install our infrastructure monitoring agent using workflows and tools that are common with many Ops teams. This is a basic Ansible role and is intended to be used as a starting place for creating your own customized workflow.

Configuration depends on your specific setup and standards. To view an Ansible sample role and more integration information, see the Ansible Galaxy documentation.

Compatibility and requirements

The Ansible role with New Relic's infrastructure monitoring agent requires a supported Linux operating system.

Set up Ansible with New Relic

The newrelic.newrelic-infra role:

  • Adds the New Relic infrastructure agent package repository source.
  • Installs and configures the infrastructure agent.

To get started using this role:

  1. Include the role in your playbook.
  2. Customize the required variables.

All typical interactions with newrelic.newrelic-infra use role configuration. Here is an example of configuring your role to install the infrastructure agent:

- hosts: ap_northeast_1
    - name: newrelic.newrelic-infra
        nrinfragent_os_name: YOUR_OS_NAME
        nrinfragent_os_version: YOUR_OS_VERSION
          license_key: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
          log_file: /var/log/newrelic/nr-infra.log
          log_to_stdout: false

Role configuration variables

Here are available variables for configuring the newrelic.newrelic-infra role:




Required. A map of key-value pairs. Corresponds directly with the available general configuration settings.


Describes what you want to do with the agent:

  • 'latest': Default. Installs the latest version of the infrastructure agent.
  • 'absent': Uninstall the agent.


The version of the agent you want to install:

  • '*': Default. Installs the latest version of the infrastructure agent.
  • 'x.y.zzz': String specifying a specific agent version number you want to install; for example, 1.0.682.


Specifies the target OS that the infrastructure agent will be installed on. See the meta/main.yml file for the latest list.


Specifies the OS version of the installer package needed for this machine. See the meta/main.yml file for the latest list.

For more help

If you need additional help, file an issue at newrelic/infrastructure-agent-ansible on GitHub.

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