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Configure the infrastructure agent with Puppet

Read on to learn how to use Puppet to install and configure New Relic's infrastructure agent using the newrelic-infra module. For an explanation of how to use Puppet, see Puppet documentation. This is a community-supported effort.

Here we provide basic information needed to use this configuration management tool. Detailed configuration will have to conform to your company standards.


The Infrastructure Puppet module has these requirements:

Module description

Use the newrelic-infra module to:

  • Add the New Relic's infrastructure agent package repository source.
  • Install, configure, and manage the New Relic infrastructure agent.

The New Relic Puppet module is available on Puppet Forge.

Run newrelic-infra module

To run the default newrelic-infra module, declare the main ::agent class.

Install the infrastructure agent with the module

All interactions with newrelic-infra are done through the main agent class.

To install New Relic's infrastructure agent using Puppet, use:

class { 'newrelic_infra::agent':
    ensure      => 'latest',
    license_key => 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY',

Puppet parameters

Here are the parameters for the newrelic_infra::agent public class:


Parameter description


A hash of key-value pairs. Corresponds directly with the available general configuration settings.


Specifies the Infrastructure agent ensure status.

Valid values include:

  • 'latest' - (default) Installs the latest agent version
  • 'absent' - Uninstalls the agent
  • VERSION_STRING - A string containing a specific version to pin


Specifies the New Relic license key to use.

For more help

If you need additional help, file an issue at newrelic/infrastructure-agent-puppet on GitHub.

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