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Update infrastructure on-host integrations

Infrastructure on-host integrations do not update themselves automatically. To update them, use your package manager to update the programs and their dependencies to the latest version. We recommend that you keep both the infrastructure agent and the integration files up to date.

Find on-host integration versions

Use either of these options to check whether your infrastructure on-host integration is up to date:



New Relic One

To use the Infrastructure UI to check for on-host integrations versions:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure.
  2. In the search bar, type the name of the integration file that was installed (for example, nri-cassandra).
  3. Select the relevant dropdown to see the agent versions.


To manually check for on-host integration versions, connect to a server. Then invoke the OS package manager and grep the integration's file name (for example, nri-cassandra):

  • Debian or Ubuntu:

    dpkg -l | grep INTEGRATION_FILE_NAME
  • Amazon Linux, CentOS, SLES, or RHEL:

    rpm -qa | grep INTEGRATION_FILE_NAME

To find the file name for a specific integration, see the integration documentation.

Update using apt (Debian or Ubuntu)

Recommendation: Update the infrastructure agent (version 1.0.703 or higher).

To update the on-host integration using apt-get:

  1. From the command line, run:

    sudo apt-get update
  2. Run this command using the integration file name (for example, nri-cassandra):

    sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade INTEGRATION_FILE_NAME
  3. Restart the infrastructure agent.

Update using yum (Amazon Linux, CentOS, or RHEL)

Recommendation: Update the infrastructure agent (version 1.0.703 or higher).

To update the on-host integration using yum:

  1. From the command line, run this command using the integration file name (for example, nri-cassandra):

    sudo yum update INTEGRATION_FILE_NAME -y
  2. Restart the infrastructure agent.

Update using Zypper (SLES)

Recommendation: Update the infrastructure agent (version 1.0.703 or higher).

To update the on-host integration using Zypper:

  1. From the command line, run this command using the integration file name (for example, nri-cassandra):

    sudo zypper update INTEGRATION_FILE_NAME -y
  2. Restart the infrastructure agent.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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