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Compatibility and requirements for Infrastructure Integrations SDK

Before using the New Relic Infrastructure integrations SDK to create a custom on-host integration, make sure your system meets these requirements.

Infrastructure version

To use the infrastructure Integrations SDK v4, you must have the Infrastructure agent version 1.13.0 or higher.

To use SDK v3, you must have agent version 1.0.888 or higher.

For Infrastructure agent version information and options for installation and updates, see the Infrastructure release notes.

For notes on SDK versions and changes, see the change log.

Operating systems

Integrations built with the SDK can be compiled for either Linux or Windows operating systems.

Data and file specifications

Infrastructure on-host integrations can be created with any programming language, as long as they adhere to the data and file specifications.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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