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Amazon SNS monitoring integration

New Relic infrastructure integrations include an integration for reporting your Amazon Web Services Simple Notification Service (SNS) data to New Relic. This document explains how to activate the integration and describes the data reported.


Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a managed push notification service. With New Relic's Amazon SNS integration, data reported to New Relic includes:

SNS data is available in pre-built dashboards in New Relic. You can also create custom queries and charts in New Relic One, and create alert conditions to notify you of changes in SNS data.

Activate integration

To enable this integration follow standard procedures to Connect AWS services to New Relic.

Configuration and polling

You can change the polling frequency and filter data using configuration options. Default polling information for the Amazon SNS integration includes:

  • New Relic polling interval: 5 minutes
  • Amazon SNS data interval: 5 minutes

Find and use data

To explore your integration data:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > AWS.
  2. Select any of the available SNS integration links.

You can query and explore your data using the QueueSample event type, with a provider value of SnsTopic.

Metric data

This integration collects the following metrics. For full descriptions of some of these metrics, see Amazon's SNS metrics and dimensions.


Metrics indicated with an asterisk * are only fetched if extended inventory collection is on.




The number of messages published.


The number of messages successfully delivered.


The number of messages that Amazon SNS failed to deliver. For more info, see Amazon SNS metrics.


The size (in bytes) of messages published, includes Minimum, Maximum, Average and Count.


The number of subscriptions pending confirmation on this topic.


The number of confirmed subscriptions on this topic.


The number of deleted subscriptions on this topic.

Inventory data

The following configuration options and inventory data are available with the New Relic Amazon SNS integration.



Data indicated with an asterisk * are only fetched if extended inventory collection is on.




The AWS region that the subscription is associated with.


The subscription's owner.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the subscription's topic.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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