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Amazon Route 53 monitoring integration

New Relic infrastructure integrations include an integration for reporting your Amazon Route 53 data to New Relic. This document explains how to activate the integration and describes the data reported.


Amazon Route 53 helps you register domain names, route Internet traffic to the appropriate resources, and check the health of your resources to make sure your web app is always up and running.

For AWS health-checks, Amazon Route 53 determines whether a resource record set is healthy based on one of the following criteria:

  • By periodically sending a request to the endpoint that is specified in the health check
  • By aggregating the status of a specified group of health checks (calculated health checks)
  • By determining the current state of a CloudWatch alarm (CloudWatch metric health checks)

Data reported to New Relic includes connection time, health checks, time to first byte, and other metrics and inventory data. Route 53 data is available in pre-built dashboards and you can also create custom queries and charts in New Relic One.

Activate integration

To enable this integration follow standard procedures to Connect AWS services to New Relic.

Configuration and polling

You can change the polling frequency and filter data using configuration options.

Default polling information for the Amazon Route 53 integration:

  • New Relic polling interval: 5 minutes
  • Amazon CloudWatch data interval: 1 minute

Find and use data

To find your integration data, go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > AWS and select one of the Route 53 integration links.

You can query and explore your data using the HealthCheckSample event type, with a provider value of Route53HealthCheck.

For more on how to use your data, see Understand integration data.

Metric data

New Relic Infrastructure Integrations supports the following Route 53 health check metrics. For more details on these metrics, see Amazon's Route 53 documentation.




For a calculated health check, the number of health checks that are healthy among the health checks that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring.


The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Amazon Route 53 health checkers to establish a TCP connection with the endpoint. You can view ConnectionTime for a health check either across all regions or for a selected geographic region.


The percentage of Amazon Route 53 health checkers that consider the selected endpoint to be healthy. You can view HealthCheckPercentageHealthy only across all regions; data is not available for a selected region.


The status of the health check endpoint that CloudWatch is checking. 1 indicates healthy, and 0 indicates unhealthy. You can view HealthCheckStatus only across all regions; data is not available for a selected region.


The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Amazon Route 53 health checkers to complete the SSL handshake. You can view SSLHandshakeTime for a health check either across all regions or for a selected geographic region.


The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Amazon Route 53 health checkers to receive the first byte of the response to an HTTP or HTTPS request. You can view TimeToFirstByte for a health check either across all regions or for a selected geographic region.

Inventory data

This integration collects the following Amazon Route 53 inventory data under the key aws/route53. For more about inventory data, see Understand integration data.

/zone [#attributes-zone attributes]




Name of the domain.


ID of the hosted zone.


Boolean representing whether a zone is private or not.


Any comments about the hosted zone.

/zone/record-set [#attributes-zone-record-set attributes]


All data in /zone/record-set will only be gathered if extended inventory is ON.




Name of the Record Set.


The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds.


DNS record type


Weighted resource record sets only: Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines the proportion of DNS queries that Amazon Route 53 responds to using the current resource record set. See Route53 documentation for more info.


Information about the CloudFront distribution, AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, ELB load balancer, Amazon S3 bucket, or Amazon Route 53 resource record set to which you're redirecting queries. JSON format.


The failover resource record.


Geolocation configuration for the record set, including country code, continent code or subdivision code. JSON format.


Returned in response to a DNS query when the health check is passed. For more information about Route 53 health check criteria, see Amazon's documentation on determining whether an endpoint is healthy.


Region where the record set resides


Structure containing specific information about the resource record. JSON format. For example: [{"value":"\"v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all\""}].

/health-check [#attributes-health-check attributes]




Name of the Record Set.


Including the HealthCheckConfig structure: Type of Health Check configured (or Health Check Thereshold) if health check is acting in negative logic, and the child health checks in case of calculated health checks. JSON format.


Including the AlarmIdentifier structure: Alarm Name, Health Check ID and Region. JSON format.

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