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Infrastructure monitoring

You may be part of a cloud-based DevOps team or a traditional tech ops team in a network operations center. Either way, you need a single platform with integrated tools and a comprehensive set of telemetry data to quickly manage all your systems.

Our infrastructure monitoring solution provides both depth and breadth of open-source options. And our unique Kubernetes cluster explorer simplifies your complex environment. The multidimensional view helps you dive deeper into your related application metrics, container logs, and Kubernetes events.

Using any of our hosted or containerized agents, integrations, APIs, and SDKs, you can quickly:

  • Observe relationships between the health and performance of your infrastructure and application components.

  • Proactively detect and troubleshoot escalating incidents, so you can resolve outages and other problems.

  • Identify root causes behind issues across your systems.

  • Manage the stability, scalability, and reliability of your systems.

  • Reduce MTTD and MTTR across your infrastructure in any environment.

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NR One: Infrastructure monitoring

Work with actionable data about your infrastructure in New Relic One, and dive deeper with the Kubernetes cluster explorer.

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