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Set up the trace observer

If you're following the Enable distributed tracing procedures and want to set up Infinite Tracing, you'll need to set up a trace observer.

A trace observer is a cloud-based New Relic tool that decides what trace data to keep and send to New Relic. The trace observer lives in New Relic Edge, which is an AWS-based service that provides you with a low-latency and low-cost way to send your telemetry data to New Relic. The trace observer sends data via our Trace API, which is the entry point for all distributed trace data we ingest.


This documentation is for our Infinite Tracing feature. To learn about all our distributed tracing options, see Intro to distributed tracing.

Set up the trace observer

Before setting up a trace observer, understand these points:

  • With the exception of the Trace API, these instructions are not standalone; they're part of larger enable procedures. If you're still figuring out what you need, see Enable distributed tracing.
  • To avoid configuration conflict issues, you should ideally enable Infinite Tracing for all associated services. If some services in a trace have our standard distributed tracing enabled, you should upgrade those to Infinite Tracing.

To set up a trace observer:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com, and click Apps. Under Your apps, click New Relic Edge.

  2. Select an account in the upper-left dropdown. If you have access to multiple accounts, make sure you're in the account where you want Infinite Tracing enabled.

  3. If no trace observers are already present, click New trace observer to add one, fill out the information, and click Create.


    Note: If you select a trace observer in an EU region, you’ll still need a US-based New Relic account because data is reported to US data centers.

  4. Under the Endpoints dropdown:

    • Copy the For other integrations endpoint value and have it ready: this will be referred to in later instructions as YOUR_TRACE_OBSERVER_URL.
    • If you're enabling a language agent, also copy the For language agents value and have it ready: this will be referred to as YOUR_TRACE_OBSERVER_HOST.
  5. (Optional but recommended) To verify things are working, we recommend sending a sample trace payload. If you're using our Trace API: this step is especially recommended to learn how the API works.

  6. (Optional) There are several ways to configure Infinite Tracing. This configuration can wait until after you've completed the enable procedures.

  7. This procedure is complete. Next, return to finish any remaining instructions for the tracing tool you started enabling:

Trace observer endpoints

In the trace observer UI, there's an Endpoints dropdown. When setting up the trace observer, we have you copy these values for use at various points of our tracing tool setup instructions. There are two values:

For more help

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