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Introduction to key transactions

In APM, you can make a transaction a key transaction when you want it to have a custom level of monitoring, or when you want it to have its own alert policy. These may be web transactions or non-web transactions that are important to your business.

For most New Relic agents, a key transaction can be any type of transaction. For the PHP, Node.js, and Go agents, only web transactions can be turned into key transactions.

What are key transactions?

In APM, making a transaction a key transaction gives you the following benefits:

  • Key transactions are grouped together in the New Relic UI, so they are easy to find and examine.
  • You can set a custom Apdex threshold for a key transaction.
  • You can set an alert policy for a key transaction.

Key transactions are useful for:

  • Important transactions. For your app's most important transactions, making them key transactions means you can quickly find and examine them. You can set stricter Apdex requirements for them, and you can create alert policies for them.
  • Slow transactions. If a transaction is regularly slower than other transactions, it can bring down the Apdex score of the entire application. When you make a transaction a key transaction, you can set a longer-duration Apdex threshold for it so it won't bring down your app's Apdex score.

Create key transactions

To create key transactions, see Create and update key transactions.

View key transactions in UI

Screen capture showing the overview page for key transactions.

The key transaction's page includes response time and throughput charts, service-level agreement information, a cross application tracing map (if available), and links to alert policy options.

The key transaction index is a list of your key transactions:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > More > Key transactions > (select a transaction).
  2. Select a Key transaction from the index.
  3. View the selected key transaction's Summary page, including charts and drilldown options.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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