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External services page: View web, cloud, network data

External service instrumentation captures calls to out-of-process services such as web services, resources in the cloud, and any other network calls. (It does not include other first class back-end components such as MemCache and the database itself.)

APM's External services page provides charts with your top five external services by response time and external calls per minute. You can also sort the list of external services by slowest average response time, most time consuming, or highest throughput (requests per minute). In our UI, this is also referred to as web external or background external data.

To view out-of-process services for your app:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • New Relic Explorer: Go to one.newrelic.com > Explorer > (select an app) > Monitor > External services.
    • APM: Go to one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Monitor > External services.
  2. To view detailed information about a service, select its name.
  3. Use any of New Relic's standard user interface functions to drill down into detailed information.

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