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Python attribute examples

Here are some examples of using attributes with the Python agent.

Capture request parameters

Capturing request parameters is not enabled by default. The following configuration will turn on parameter capture for the default destinations: transaction_tracer, transaction_events, and error_collector. To limit the destinations see the Selecting specific destinations example.


attributes.include = request.parameters.*

Capture only specific request parameters

To capture only specific request parameters, you can simply pass a list to attributes.include:


attributes.include = request.parameters.user_id request.parameters.product_id

Disable all attributes

In this example, attributes are disabled, so the include and exclude lists will be ignored and all attributes will be filtered out.


attributes.enabled = false
attributes.include = request.parameters.*

Input keys:

foo, bar, request.parameters.foo, request.parameters.bar

Output for destinations:

transaction_tracer: none
error_collector: none
transaction_events: none
browser_monitoring: none

Select specific destinations

In this example:

  • Attributes are disabled for transaction traces. The include and exclude lists will be ignored, and all attributes will be filtered out for this destination.
  • Attributes are also disabled for browser monitoring by default.
  • Request parameters (prefixed with request.parameters.) are off by default for all destinations.

As a result, only bar is sent in traced errors and transaction events.


attributes.enabled = true
transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled = false
attributes.exclude = foo

Input keys:

foo, bar, request.parameters.foo, request.parameters.bar

Output for destinations:

transaction_tracer: none
error_collector: bar
transaction_events: bar
browser_monitoring: none

Select values and destinations

In this example, specific input keys are selected for certain output destinations and excluded from others.

  • The food.fruit.banana key will be excluded only from transaction traces.
  • The food and food.bread keys will be excluded from all destinations.


browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled = true
attributes.exclude = food*
attributes.include = food.fruit.*
transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude = food.fruit.banana

Input keys:

food, food.bread, food.fruit.banana, food.fruit.apple

Output for destinations:

transaction_tracer: food.fruit.apple
error_collector: food.fruit.banana, food.fruit.apple
transaction_events: food.fruit.banana, food.fruit.apple
browser_monitoring: food.fruit.banana, food.fruit.apple

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