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newrelic_add_custom_tracer (PHP agent API)


newrelic_add_custom_tracer(string $function_name)

Specify functions or methods for the agent to instrument with custom instrumentation.


Compatible with all agent versions.


Specify functions or methods for the agent to target for custom instrumentation. This is the API equivalent of the newrelic.transaction_tracer.custom setting.

You cannot apply custom tracing to internal PHP functions.






Required. The name can be formatted either as function_name for procedural functions, or as "ClassName::method" for methods. Both static and instance methods will be instrumented if the method syntax is used, and the class name must be fully qualified: it must include the full namespace if the class was defined within a namespace.

Return values

Returns true if the tracer was added successfully.


Instrument a function

function example_function() {
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) { // Ensure PHP agent is available

Instrument a method within a class

class ExampleClass {
function example_method() {
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) { // Ensure PHP agent is available

Instrument a method within a namespaced class

namespace Foo\Bar;
class ExampleClass {
function example_method() {
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) { // Ensure PHP agent is available

Alternatively, on PHP 5.5 or later, the ::class syntax can be used instead:

namespace Foo\Bar {
class ExampleClass {
function example_method() {
// ...
namespace {
use Foo\Bar;
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) { // Ensure PHP agent is available
newrelic_add_custom_tracer(Bar::class . "::example_method");

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