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PHP agent installation: Tar file

You can install New Relic's PHP agent from compressed tar files on any supported platform. However, for Redhat or CentOS it is more common to use the RPM package. For Ubuntu or Debian it is more common to use the Debian package.

Download the tar distribution

Unlike other installation options, tar archives do not require any special repository setup. All you need to do is download the archive and follow these instructions.

Download the appropriate tar distribution file from download.newrelic.com/php_agent/release/. For example:

  • For FreeBSD, download newrelic-php5-X.X.X.X-freebsd.tar.gz.
  • For Alpine Linux, download newrelic-php5-X.X.X.X-linux-musl.tar.gz.


The package name for the New Relic's PHP agent is newrelic-php5. Although the name references PHP 5, this package works for all supported PHP versions, including PHP 7 versions.

Install or update

With tar file installation, the steps for first time installation and for updating are the same. Replace X.X.X.X with the correct New Relic version. To install or update the agent:

  1. Download the appropriate tar file from the New Relic website, and save it to a local disk in a convenient location.

  2. Decompress and extract the archive:

    gzip -dc newrelic-php5-X.X.X.X-OS.tar.gz | tar xf -
  3. Change to the newly created directory:

    cd newrelic-php5-X.X.X.X-OS
  4. Run the installation script:

  5. Change the default application name to a meaningful name.

  6. Restart your web server (Apache, Nginx, PHP-FPM, etc.).

  7. Wait a few minutes for your application to send data, then check your app's performance in the New Relic UI.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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