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Browser monitoring and the .NET agent

With the .NET agent, you can add browser monitoring instrumentation to your webpages. Before you use browser with your .NET agent, refer to the .NET agent release notes, and make sure you have the installed the latest .NET agent release.

Follow the .NET agent requirements to install browser monitoring. Then follow the procedures in this document to manually instrument the .NET agent.



This feature is not available for asp.net core applications whether they are monitored by the .NET Framework or Core agent.

Browser auto-instrumentation is enabled by default. With browser auto-instrumentation, the .NET Framework agent automatically injects the browser JavaScript header into any page that has a content-type of text/html and also has <head> tag within the page.

The <head> tag search starts at the beginning of the DOM. The .NET agent injects the JavaScript header through the addition of an HttpModule that modifies the page using HTTP response filters before streaming the content to the user.

The first time you enable auto-instrumentation, you may need to clean your asp.net cache directory so that aspx pages are recompiled. Use the following command:


With this injection, previously functioning pages may stop working if a content-type is not set correctly. To correct, review and update the content-types in your app or disable auto-instrumentation.

Manual instrumentation via agent API

If you cannot enable auto-instrumentation, you can still include the browser agent manually by using the New Relic .NET agent API and including appropriate code in your pages.

  1. To download the NewRelic.Api.agent.dll, re-run the installation and reference the .dll:

    • From the New Relic .NET agent directory, select the New Relic.Net agent section, then select API Assembly.
    • NuGet: Install and reference the .dll by running Install-package NewRelic.Agent.Api.
  2. To set up your web application to call the New Relic .NET agent API, add a reference to NewRelic.Api.Agent.dll to your project.

  3. Optional: If you are modifying the deployed application directory on the web server, copy NewRelic.Api.Agent.dll into the application's bin directory.

  4. Call the API in your <head> tag. If a meta-tag with the X-UA-COMPATIBLE http-equiv attribute exists, set it after that meta tag.

Disable instrumentation

To disable instrumentation:


Follow the troubleshooting procedures if you are unable to view any browser timing data.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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