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.NET agent: compatibility and requirements for .NET Core

New Relic's .NET agent supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core. This document describes compatibility and support for .NET Core applications. See Compatibility and requirements for .NET Framework for .NET Framework applications.

New Relic's .NET agent includes built-in instrumentation for some of the most popular parts of the .NET Core ecosystem, including frameworks, databases, and message queuing systems.

After installation, the agent runs within the monitored process; there is not a separate process or service created by the agent.

For frameworks and libraries that are not automatically instrumented out of the box, you can extend the agent with .NET custom instrumentation.

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Before you install the New Relic .NET agent on Windows or Linux, make sure your system meets these requirements:

Automatic instrumentation

If your application is hosted in ASP.NET Core, the agent automatically creates and instruments transactions. The .NET agent will automatically instrument your application after install. If your app is not automatically instrumented, or if you want to add instrumentation, use custom instrumentation.

Unavailable features

The following features are not available for the .NET agent:

Connect the agent to other New Relic products

In addition to APM, the .NET agent integrates with other New Relic products to give you end-to-end visibility:



Browser monitoring

The browser monitoring JavaScript agent will not be injected by the .NET agent for ASP.NET core applications. However, you can inject the browser agent by using the .NET agent API or the browser agent's copy/paste method.

After enabling browser injection, you can view browser data in the APM Summary page and quickly switch between the APM and browser data for a particular app. For configuration options and manual instrumentation, see browser monitoring and the .NET agent.

Infrastructure monitoring

When you install the Infrastructure and APM agents on the same host, they automatically detect one another. You can then view a list of hosts in the APM UI, and filter your Infrastructure hosts by APM app in the Infrastructure UI. For more information, see APM data in Infrastructure.


The .NET agent sends default events and attributes for NRQL queries. You can also record custom events for advanced analysis.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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