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.NET agent

New Relic's .NET agent monitors your .NET app, giving you an end-to-end view of your app's performance. New Relic's .NET Framework agent works with all .NET compatible languages, such as VB.NET, C#, and CLI. The .NET Core agent takes advantage of the compatibility, speed, expanded API features, and cross-platform capabilities available with Microsoft's .NET Core.

To keep your agent up to date and ensure you have access to the latest features, see the .NET agent release notes.

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one.newrelic.com/apm > APM > (select an app): After installing the .NET agent, view a summary of your app's performance.

Introduction to New Relic for .NET.

Learn what you can do with the .NET agent and how to get started.

Install the .NET agent.

See the install documentation.

.NET agent configuration.

Use options to fine-tune your installation. Also, be sure to name your .NET app.


API and custom instrumentation. Control the agent or extend your instrumentation.

Compatibility and requirements.

View supported frameworks, OS versions, and instrumentation for the .NET Core agent and Framework agent.


What to do if the agent fails to report to New Relic.

Create issueEdit page
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