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Server-side agent configuration

Server-side configuration transitions some core settings from your language agent's configuration file to the New Relic collector. Depending on the language agent, available settings may include:

  • Transaction tracing
  • SQL recording and logging
  • SQL query plans
  • Error collection
  • Thread profiling
  • Distributed tracing
  • Cross application tracing

Centralization and security

Server-side configuration provides an easy way to manage the available settings from the New Relic UI. Centralized configuration settings can also help you ensure standards compliance and security management for your settings.

Any change automatically applies to all APM agents, even if they run across multiple hosts. The agent still follows the local configurations for any settings not available from the UI.

Server-side configuration precedence

This feature provides the convenience of managing the available configuration settings directly within the New Relic UI, without the need for deployments or restarts. Available options to change settings, and the order of precedence they take when you utilize environment variables or other configuration options, will depend on the language agent used.

For more information about the hierarchy of settings, see the illustration for the specific agent:

Enable server-side configuration

The C SDK and PHP agent do not support server-side configuration. To enable server-side configuration settings for apps that use other New Relic agents:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com and click APM.
  2. Click on your app. Then click Settings > Application > Server-side agent configuration.

After you enable server-side configuration, you can view and change the available settings through the UI.

View or change server-side configuration settings

If you use server-side configuration, you must still include your license_key and app_name in the local config file. These settings are required for the agent to communicate with the New Relic collector.

The C SDK and PHP agent do not support server-side configuration. To view or change the available server-side configuration settings through the UI for apps that use other New Relic agents:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com and click APM.
  2. Click on your app. Then click Settings > Application > Server-side agent configuration.

Once you set any of these options from the UI, they will override any conflicting options in the agent's configuration file.

Disable server-side configuration

Once you enable server-side configuration for an account, server-side configuration cannot be turned off without assistance from New Relic Support. This helps mitigate issues that could arise from conflicts with configuration settings if you need to transition back to a local configuration setup.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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