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Java agent

With New Relic's Java agent, you can track everything from performance issues to tiny errors within your code. New Relic's Java agent monitors your Java app and provides visibility into the behavior of your JVM. After installing, you will be able to quickly monitor transactions, dive deep into errors, and more.

To keep your agent up to date and ensure you have access to the latest features, see the Java agent release notes.

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View a summary of your Java app's performance with APM.

one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Overview: After installing the Java agent, view a summary of your app's performance.

Get started.

Discover what you can do with the Java agent and how to get started.

Install the Java agent.

Learn how to install the Java agent on supported app servers and frameworks.

Configure the agent.

Use configuration options to further customize and fine-tune your installation. Enable distributed tracing.

Customize monitoring.

Use the Java agent API or implement custom instrumentation to extend functionality.

Verify compatibility and requirements.

Check the compatibility and requirements, including supported app/web servers, frameworks, JDBC drivers, JVMs, and more.

Troubleshoot common problems.

Refer to the Java troubleshooting documentation for help with common issues.

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