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Instrument errors with the C SDK

New Relic defines a web or non-web transaction as one logical unit of work in a software application. Once you instrument a transaction, you can also instrument errors in the transaction so you can monitor them in the New Relic UI. In order to use the C SDK to monitor errors, you must manually instrument your source code by adding the New Relic function newrelic_notice_error() to it.


To include function calls in error traces, use GNU's -rdynamic linker flag to link your apps when compiling. The -rdynamic linker flag gives you more meaningful error traces.


For an index of documentation available during the private Beta, see the C SDK table of contents.

Instrument errors in transactions

To instrument errors in transactions:

  1. Start a transaction.
  2. Record an error with newrelic_notice_error(), supplying the required parameters.
  3. End the transaction.

View errors

Transaction errors and error traces appear on the Error analytics page in the New Relic UI. The C SDK reports the total number of errors and up to 100 error traces per minute on the Error analytics page.

You can also view, query, and visualize transaction errors in New Relic Insights as TransactionError events.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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