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Introduction to Applied Intelligence

Applied Intelligence (AI) is our AIOps solution for DevOps, site reliability engineers, and on-call teams.

At its core, Applied Intelligence helps you find, troubleshoot, and resolve problems more quickly. Specifically, it’s a hybrid machine learning engine that reduces alert noise, correlates incidents, and automatically detects anomalies. By applying machine learning to your data and feedback, Applied Intelligence is designed to improve functionality and deliver smarter context over time.


After connecting your data sources to Applied Intelligence, it looks for potential problems and improves based on your feedback.

Why use Applied Intelligence?

How you respond to an incident can mean thousands of dollars or clicks for your company. Applied Intelligence helps you solve problems faster.



Troubleshoot and respond to incidents

Our solution helps you understand your incidents and gives you ideas for what to do next. Here are a few examples:

  • Automatically classifies incidents based on the golden signals of site reliability engineering.
  • Identifies entities in your stack that may relate to the underlying issue.
  • Suggests responses for incidents based on historical context.

Less noise, more focus

As tools and systems become more complex, alert noise can overwhelm DevOps and SRE teams. Applied Intelligence correlates related incidents and suppresses noise, so you're only notified when human action is required.

Incidents with a hybrid approach

Applied Intelligence streamlines your incidents by combining its built-in inputs with your knowledge and feedback. Over time, the system delivers more accurate insights. For example:

  • Our correlation and classification engine adjusts based on your feedback.
  • The system automatically suggests new correlation rules based on your production data.
  • You can create custom logic using the decision builder.

Automatic anomaly detection

Applied Intelligence provides automatic anomaly detection on all your APM-monitored applications. We detect anomalies in throughput, latency, and error rate, with no action required from you. Benefits include:

  • No setup required.
  • See anomalies surfaced automatically in the anomalies feed.
  • See them in various New Relic activity streams (for example, on the New Relic One home page).
  • Ability to run NRQL queries of anomalies and create custom dashboards with that data.

Determine root causes with Incident Intelligence

As part of Applied Intelligence, Incident Intelligence helps you correlate incident events and reduce noise in your environment. With it, you can get an overview of all your issues, see suggested responders, and configure your own correlation logic.

To get started, see Incident Intelligence.

Find unknowns with Proactive Detection

Another feature of Applied Intelligence is Proactive Detection. Proactive Detection is, by default, always on and detecting anomalies. These anomalies are surfaced in the Applied Intelligence anomalies feed, New Relic One activity streams, and can be queried, alerted on, and added to dashboards. Anomalies can be sent to Slack or via webhooks, and/or added as a source for Incident Intelligence correlation and issue notification. Proactive Detection also provides automatic analysis of anomalies and alerts via the analysis page.

To get started, see Proactive Detection.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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