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Manage your policies

A policy is a group of one or more conditions. This document explains how to create a policy and how to view existing policies. You can also use the REST API.

For an explanation of how policies interact with conditions and other components, see Concepts and workflow.


The basic setup process is the same, regardless of which product (APM, browser, etc.) uses the policy. The types of metrics and thresholds for conditions vary depending on the monitored data source.

Best practices for naming policies

We recommend three common patterns and practices for structuring and naming policies:

  • Targets or resources in your architecture that have people responsible for their well being
  • Teams that are responsible for part of the architecture
  • Individual policies for specific users

Policies organized by...



Targets or resources in your organization may have different people responsible for their well-being. Common segments may include the environment type (production, staging, integration, development) or the target or resource type (app server code, client-side code, databases, hosts, etc.).

To make these types of policies easier to identify, you can give them names based on your architecture. For example:

  • Product A website (production)
  • Product B website (staging)
  • Mobile product app (iOS)
  • Hosts (production)
  • Databases (production)


Specific teams may be responsible for parts of your architecture. For example, you may want to name their policy Team: Site engineering, Team: Website development, etc.


Policies set up for specific individuals may be useful when they want to personally keep an eye on a particular resource or metric. This provides them the freedom to add and remove conditions as well as adjust thresholds whenever they want, without having to communicate those changes to others.

To make these policies easier to identify, you can include the person's name; for example, User: John Doe's metrics, User: Jane Doe (production), etc.

Create an alert policy

As part of the policy workflow, start by giving the policy a meaningful name:

  1. In the one.newrelic.com top nav, click Alerts & AI, then click Policies.
  2. On the policy index page, click New alert policy.
  3. Type a meaningful name for the policy (maximum 64 characters).
  4. Select the incident preference.
  5. Select Create alert policy.

You can continue from here to define the conditions and assign one or more notification channels. If you decide to continue later, select the policy name from the Alert policies index.

Change a policy name

For your convenience, we allow you to use the same name for different policies, conditions, and notification channels. If you want to use unique names, review or search the index before adding or changing a name.

To rename an existing policy:

  1. In the one.newrelic.com top nav, click Alerts & AI, then click Policies, and then (select a policy).
  2. Click the policy name to edit it, then type a meaningful name for the policy (maximum 64 characters).

Alerts automatically updates any of the policy's conditions and notification channels.

View existing policies

The policies index lists policies in alphabetical order. To view or search for existing policies:

  1. In the one.newrelic.com top nav, click Alerts & AI, then click Policies.
  2. Use the search box, sort any column, or scroll the list.
  3. To view detailed information, click a policy name.


To view policy and condition information for a specific entity, select the Settings > Alert conditions page from the entity's product UI.

Policy maintenance quick reference

After you create a policy, you can:

  • Add more conditions to the policy.
  • Edit the conditions' names, targets, or thresholds.
  • Disable conditions.
  • Add one or more notification channels to a policy.
  • Rename or delete the policy.

The user interface shows a Last modified timestamp for any changes to policies, including their conditions and notification channels.

Here is a quick reference which also includes links to more detailed information and procedures for maintaining your policies.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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