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Acknowledge alert incidents

Alerts v3: Alert incidents acknowledge

When you acknowledge an incident, this indicates you're taking ownership of it. This is useful to let others who've received the notification know that you've taken responsibility for it.

What "acknowledge" means

Follow your organization's guidelines for what responsibilities you are agreeing to own when you acknowledge an incident. By acknowledging the incident, this simply flags your name and notifies others.


To provide a quick reference to your organization's standard operating procedures for handling an alert, you can include a runbook URL in the condition thresholds for the alert policy. The UI will include the runbook URL in Incidents pages and in email notifications as applicable.

Only one person can acknowledge an incident. Once you acknowledge it, you can't undo it. If others try to acknowledge the same incident (for example, from their email notification), the incident's History page will appear, showing that the incident has been acknowledged.

How to acknowledge incidents

The user interface allows you to view incidents and acknowledge them, either from the Incidents index or from the selected incident itself. The Incidents page provides details about the incident history so you can more easily analyze the chain of events and their timeline throughout an incident.

To acknowledge an incident from the user interface:

  1. In the one.newrelic.com top nav, click Alerts & AI, click Incidents, then click Open incidents or All incidents.
  2. From the selected incident row, check whether someone else's name or avatar already appears in the Acknowledge column. To find out the user's name, mouse over the avatar.
  3. To acknowledge the incident, yourself, select the Acknowledge icon. 040815-icon-ack.png

This automatically notifies everyone who has been set up to receive the notification. The UI also automatically adds your name (or avatar if applicable) to the incident's Acknowledge column.

What happens to additional violations

Your incident rollup preference determines whether and how Alerts will group the additional violations in the Incidents page. If you acknowledge an incident and new violations occur that roll up into the incident you just acknowledged, no further notifications will be sent out until the incident closes.

Where to view your acknowledged incidents

To view any incidents you have acknowledged:

  1. In the one.newrelic.com top nav, click Alerts & AI, click Incidents, then click Open incidents.
  2. Optional: Use any available search or sort options to refine the index results (not available for the Acknowledge column).
  3. Select any row that shows your name or avatar to view the incident's history and details.

What other options to acknowledge are available

You can use additional methods (channels) to acknowledge notifications. For example:

  • If your notification channel includes email, you can acknowledge the alert at the time you receive it by selecting the email's Acknowledge link.
  • If you've registered and linked your iOS or Android mobile app to your account, you can add mobile as a notification channel in your policies. For example, Android users can then acknowledge an alert by using the notification bar. You don't need to open the New Relic app.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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