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Get started with Incident Intelligence

As part of Applied Intelligence, Incident Intelligence helps you correlate your incidents and reduce noise in your environment. It gives you an overview of all your incidents, their sources, and related events.

Set up Incident Intelligence

Before setting up Incident Intelligence, note that the count of incident events is a billing factor.

To enable Incident Intelligence, follow these steps. Afterwards, issues should start to appear in your issue feed.

1. Configure your environment (one-time)

To set up an environment in Incident Intelligence, you need an administrator to select a New Relic account for it. This account should be the one your team is using.

  • Who sets the environment? Only administrators, and only for accounts where they have admin privileges.
  • Can administrators set more than one environment? They can set one environment per parent account and its child accounts. More than one can be set if an administrator has privileges for more than one parent account.


Incident Intelligence is a cross-account product. This means you can send in data from any New Relic account or external source to correlate events.

2. Configure sources

After setting up your environment, determine your incident sources. These are your data inputs.

You can get data from any of the following sources:

3. Configure destinations (ServiceNow and others)

Now that you've set up your sources, you can configure your destinations. These are the data outputs where you view your incidents.

Configure ServiceNow (example)

Using ServiceNow as a destination enables you to push valuable violation data into new ServiceNow incident tickets.

Other destinations

You can set other destinations:

For examples of destination templates, webhook formats, and JSON schema, see the Incident Intelligence destination examples.

4. Configure pathways

To control when and where you want to receive notifications from your incidents, you can configure pathways.

To add a pathway:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com, click Alerts & AI, in the left nav under Incident Intelligence click Pathways, then click Add a pathway.

  2. In the query builder box, select an attribute, such as application/name.

    • This can be from the list of all attributes available in PagerDuty incidents and New Relic alerts violations, or you can add your own attributes.
  3. Select a logical operator. For example, contains.

  4. Enter a specific value to complete the logical expression.

    • To include all issues created by your sources, select Send everything. (Use this if you only use one PagerDuty service to manage all incidents.)
    • To build more complex logic, use the AND/OR operators.
  5. Select one or more of your destinations.

To edit or remove existing pathways, mouse over the pathway's name on the Pathways page.

What's next?

Now that you've set up some sources and destinations for your incidents, read about how to use Incident Intelligence.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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